Thursday, February 21, 2013

My boys

Playing in boxes

Where's Axel?

Best place in the house to have a snack!
My boys:

Is 21 months already! Can't believe I'm thinking about your 2nd B-day coming up. He has been chatting up a strom latley. Mostly words that you can't understand but a lot of noises-trying to get his point across. He can non-verbally tell you most things he needs. He'll grab my leg, tugging on my jeans, then point to the spot he wants me to sit. He enjoying looking at books and talking about all the things on the pages. He loves to 'find' what I ask. Like can you find the bear on the page. He is really good at this. He likes to laugh at Mom when I cook and set off the smoke detector. He will get the greatest belly giggle! At least some one doesn't mind when I toast things a little to much. Abel also likes to find pictures of animals and try to make the sounds. Most of them all sound the same- like Ahh Ahh- but he knows that each animal makes a sound.

Is 5 years old. That still sounds so old to me. He is in such a hurry to be more grown up. He'll say Mom pretend I'm a teenager okay? He likes to jam to loud 'Rock and Roll' music. That's what he calls it- he likes most things on 93X. Which is like- Green day, AC/DC and such.  He has started to like math! I know right? He likes to do plus and minus problems. We'll write some down and he figures that out. It's awesome. He either uses his hands to help count or writes down 1-20 and then uses that to count the numbers he needs. I hope he continues to like math once school starts. Axel has flooded our bathroom twice since we have bought our house! Once he did it by emptying all the bath water on the floor and the other time was by clogging the toliet. He was like Mom we got a plugger! And all over the floor it went. Luckly our basement isn't finished under the bathroom.

Monday, February 18, 2013

EPIC is done!!

I haven't written much about it yet because I was totally stressing. I have been in an internship for the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) at the Mayo clinic. Well they happen to be one of the few places that have you do a 12 week internship to start your job. During this time you take a ton of classes and start to work on the unit. The classes are very intense and have a ton of information to cover. At the end of the 12 weeks you have to test out- to keep your job. Gulp... no stress here right? Well after much sweat and tears I have officially passed the test! I can finally breath. I still have a ton to learn at my new job but I am super excited to take the next steps and continue to grow as a nurse! Some times you have to take big leaps in life to prove to yourself that you can do it. A big thanks to Brian and my boys for continuing to support me and giving me time to study!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines!

Making a card for his dad in his undies
Abel wasn't to sure about the glue stick

Happy Valentine's Day to every one. I got to spend the day at home with my boys. We made Dad a card and went to the bakery to get him a dounut. I gave Axel the dounuts to carry in the car on the way home. Once we got home I noticed that Axel had gotten into the bag of goods that we bought at the bakery. Once I looked in the bag he told me that he just wanted to try Dad's dounut. Sorry Dad- we had a dounut for you but Axel already ate half of it!  Axel and I decided the best thing to do was eat the rest and just tell dad the story. (He woudn't want a half eaten one right?...) So I guess treats or not Happy Valentine's day to the three boys I love the most!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Just a little cheese

                                           Just sharing some cheese during the month of Love.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Catching up

I think we are finally getting over christmas in our house. Abel still seems to have a cold nonstop. Runny nose and a cough. Poor kid can't get a break. He is also getting 4 more teeth. I think that will be all of them now. Axel is starting to like school more and loves to come home and play his DS. Luckily I can still talk him in to playing a board game with me instead.