Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Stair Climber

It amazes me how much the boys change daily. Axel has a new word or saying and Abel has been learning new things all the time. Axel has been in to Star Wars and super hero's lately. He loves watching the movies and has a blast playing with his light saber (in his undies which is super cute). Axel had his end of year conference for pre-school. It's crazy how much he has learned in a year. He knows how to count to 16 and some times 20, he knows (by looking) most of his letters and can write his name. The teacher also said that he interacts well with other kids and adults but he can be a distraction sometimes because he gets chatty! I think that was a part of my school conferences every year :)
Abel has been starting to get really daring. He pulls up to standing on every thing (even the tiny end table that wobbles) and today he decided that he wanted to climb the stairs. There is no space in the house that is safe right now! He has no fear. Now I have to teach him how to turn around and climb down the stairs-backwards not face first. Abel also has learned how to make truck noises-my next video :), you know the sound like vroom! It's really cute-he is such a little boy.  I've been getting video camera happy lately but I think some times I forget about video's and just take pictures.

1 comment:

j said...

Axel's conferences could have been worse. The teacher could have told you he came to class wearing a bra on the outside of his shirt - but at least you'd know he's yours!