Sunday, March 11, 2012

4 year and 9 month stats

Abel enjoying some spaghetti. He has been having fun trying more 'real' food. His other new favorite is buttered toast. Abel's new trick is clapping! All you have to do is say Yeah..and he'll clap. It's super cute. :)

Both of the boys had doctor's appointments. They are both growing nicely. Abel did not have to get any shots! Yeah..he even clapped :) But Axel had to get three shots. Sorry buddy. He did a really good job and I guess he doesn't have to get any more shots until he's 11. He was very happy to hear that. I didn't remind him about the flu shot. Both of the boys have colds this weekend. What a bummer. Abel's first cold. He has been coughing and sneezing a ton. Poor little man.
Axel- 4 years old
Weight 34.8 pounds
Height- 3 feet and 4 inches
He is at 50% for both! Whoo...when did that happen. He's finally leveling out.
Abel- 9.5 months old
Weight-17 pounds 8.5 ounces (30th %)
Height- 28.5 inches (50th %)

1 comment:

jules said...

Ohhhh! Abel looks like he is really enjoying the pasta. :) I should start giving Mack more finger foods, but sometimes it is just easier to feed him. ;) He loves buttered toast as well.