Abel turned 10 months old!

He's enjoying bath time with his big brother showing him how to splash.

Axel thought it would be fun to play in Abel's crib with him.

Abel is 10 months! It really blows me away how fast he is growing. Things he is up to this month:
* army crawling every where
*starting to get up on his knees more-not crawling on them yet though
* learned to clap and wave- he is really in awe with his hands. They do the coolest things :)
* starting to pull up on things! Like the toy boxes or Axel's step stool
*he has 6 teeth (2 on the bottom and almost 4 on the top)
* he loves eating new foods. Non baby foods he tried-peaches, garlic mashed potatoes, chicken nuggets, spaghetti and pizza. (Of course he only eats little bites of the real food.) I was surprised with the garlic mashed potatoes but he really dug them! It's alot more messy letting him eat real food but fun to share our dinners with him. Thankfully I got a Kirby vacuum!
*he holds his own bottle and has to look around while drinking. His big brother is always doing some thing that is worth watching!