Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Brian and I celebrated our 11 year anniversary on Friday! Wow... 11 years. This is how my anniversary weekend started. I couldn't have asked for more! Thanks for so many amazing years Brian. I love you and can't wait to celebrate many more years together.
The boys brought us out for lunch today to celebrate with their parent's :)
Yummy.....nacho's and fajita's!

Axel's not quite ready for fajita's yet.
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!
11 years of marriage is the year of steel. Brian and I did a little gun shopping the other day. It's very Alaskan to own gun. You can buy a handgun at Walmart! We have a gun safe so the boys are safe. Brian got some extra's to add to his shotgun and momma got a pink Sig :) Every year brings some thing new. Can't wait for all that will be.

1 comment:

jules said...

Happy Anniversary guys!!! :) Cool gun!

I can't believe how old Abel looks!