Monday, February 27, 2012

Fur Rondy

Fur Rondy is the winter festival that is celebrated in Anchorage. It last two weeks and is full of outside winter fun. Fur Rondy celebrates that start of the Iditarod-that is next weekend. The are dog mushers downtown, a carnival and more. We went to check out the snow sculptures.
Axel's favorites were the dragons
Abel's first ride in the backpack carrier. We are going to use this a ton this summer. He was babbling the whole time. He was having fun going along for the ride and checking everything out.
Ice cream any one?

Another great weekend with my boys. Why do the weekends go so fast?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Anniversary

Brian and I celebrated our 11 year anniversary on Friday! Wow... 11 years. This is how my anniversary weekend started. I couldn't have asked for more! Thanks for so many amazing years Brian. I love you and can't wait to celebrate many more years together.
The boys brought us out for lunch today to celebrate with their parent's :)
Yummy.....nacho's and fajita's!

Axel's not quite ready for fajita's yet.
Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!
11 years of marriage is the year of steel. Brian and I did a little gun shopping the other day. It's very Alaskan to own gun. You can buy a handgun at Walmart! We have a gun safe so the boys are safe. Brian got some extra's to add to his shotgun and momma got a pink Sig :) Every year brings some thing new. Can't wait for all that will be.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

9 months

Abel is 9 months old!
He is still working on his sitting skills. He can do it but would rather be on his tummy army crawling around.
Here Mom...have the toy
Drooling with style!
9 months old already! I have to say one more time how lucky I am. Abel I love you so much! Things that Abel is up to this month:
~working on sitting
~starting to pull up on things. He can get to his knees and then gets so frustrated that he can't get all the way up.
~Always on the move. Army crawling still-some times up on one knee but he is plenty fast on his tummy.
~Sleeping through the night-mostly. (he likes to be held for about 5 minutes sometimes in the middle of the night- which I don't mind)
~sampling more foods-likes to suck on pickles, pancakes, mandarin oranges and gold fish crackers. He loves fruit and veggies!

Monday, February 20, 2012

For the love of books

We love to read books! The boys are a part of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library- which is a great program that sends kids books every month until they are 5 years old. Axel was signed up in MN also and then we continued it here in AK. The boys love when their books come in the mail.

Of course it never lasts to long with Abel....always on the move.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Abel is so daring. He has been starting to climb up on things-like his bouncy chair or Axel's bean bag.
Then he surprised me and just sat down! He can sit? Guess he can now. :)
Just like that... he's a sitter.
Oh...check me out Mom!
Love you my little brown eyed boy!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A little cheese

It's February which is the month of love. I love reading other peoples blogs to hear stories of love-how it started, what they love and any other story that has a little cheese to it! Every one deserves to have some cheese in their life. Here is what fills my life with boys :)
I love being able to be 'cheesy' with my boys. We got bored during the super bowl last weekend and starting playing with the camera. I love how much Abel watches his brother and how much Axel likes to show off for him. I hope every one gets to share a little cheese with some one they love this month!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Playing around

It finally warmed up this week but that means we got more snow :( I think we got about 14 inches last night. Thanks to Brian for continuing to snow plow the drive way-he has done this a LOT this winter. (and he's been doing it since October!) So they say the ground hog saw his shadow this week. That mean 6 weeks more of winter. Well here in Alaska that sounds like a good thing! In the lower 48 it seems like a longer winter. If we only have 6 weeks left of winter I'll be happy. (I remember a little snow on the ground last Easter-when it that April?) Yikes.....
Abel's first time getting out in the snow. It finally was above 15 degrees so Mom and Axel brought him outside to see the snow. He was very interested at every one outside and the snow blowers.
Axel playing in his cave that he dug out of the huge snow pile at the end of our driveway.
Abel getting ready to go outside.
Trying a sippy cup for the first time.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Theater date with Axel

Today Axel and I got to have a date and go to the theater. We saw a play of Sleeping Beauty. It actually was a two man show-one who told the story and one who played piano. I love field trip days!
Axel thought the theater was pretty cool. He had hoped we would get popcorn but was okay when I told him it wasn't that type of show.
He did a great job watching the show and sitting in his seat (or my lap).

This picture was taken from one of Axel's buddies. Not to bad for a 3 year :)
We didn't get popcorn but a giant cookie on they way home was a great ending to a wonderful day date! (he saved half of it for dad since he didn't get to come to the show)