Last Sunday I had a girl's day out. It was my friend Bethany's 30th Birthday. We went to our favorite place to eat-Jack Sprat- in Girdwood and then went for a hike. It was a beautiful day.

The sun was out and the skies were blue. It may have been the last hike of the year with out snow on the ground :(

They call this the butt tree! I guess there is a calender that has this tree with different thongs on it-a new one for each season. I don't think I want to see a thong that big :)

Eating at Jack Sprat. I love this place. The most amazing food. Yam fries and all kinds of funky fun stuff!

This is the most EPIC french toast I have ever had. It had banana burlee on top with whip cream. Yummy!

Even though I had a great day (it was the first day I've left Abel and Axel since the baby has been born-besides work) I missed my boys so much. I ended up working Saturday this weekend also-trying out the general ped's floor for a little overtime. (inpatient nursing) I cried on the way home because Abel was already in bed. I missed a bedtime :( Then I cried again when Brian said that he gave both the boys a bath. Man I'm emotional some times. I just really conflict on wanting to work but missing my boys when I do. It sucks.. Thankfully Brian gets to be the one I leave them with. I probably would cry every day if I had to leave them at a daycare.
Abel updates-he's trying new foods. We've tried one new food each week. First rice cereal, then green beans. The next week we tried banana's and this week we are trying carrots. He's really learning how to swallow his spoon fulls. I mix all the food with the rice cereal. It's so fun watching his reaction to food. He wasn't to sure on the green beans, of course he loved the banana's and actually did really well with the carrots. I even got a second serving for him tonight and he ate it all.
1 comment:
Omg. That french toast looks delish!!!!
And Abel is looking so big!!!!
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