Sunday, January 16, 2011

Baby #2-first pictures!'s a BOY!
I didn't get it totally straight on my scanner but here's a profile picture of the baby! I can't wait to meet you baby boy!!! We are 20 weeks pregnant now. Finally to the half way mark. It seems like it's been going so fast yet so slow. Hope the next 20 weeks goes by really fast! I am so ready to meet him.


jules said...

OMG! So precious!!!! So excited for our 20 week ultrasound this Thursday!!!!! Ahhhhh! How adorable!!!!

j said...

Do you guys have names picked out? Are you going to let Axel help? if Noah had his way his little sister would be named "Locomotive"

Rapp family fun said...

I can't wait to here about your ultrasound! I loved seeing the baby. He has grown so much.
Axel had a few name ideas. He liked Wubbzy, T-Rex and Frankenstein!

Shelly Pagel said...

love the "boy" pic..yup, for sure a boy, no mistake there! HA : )

He looks awesome-- hope you are feeling great still!

j said...

You have to admit - Frankenstein is a pretty sweet name. Then again, you're not likely to have a lot of other "Wubsy's" in his graduating class. Either way you win.