Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Forgot one thing...

I posted a list the other day about facts that I have learned about living in Alaska, well I forgot one more things. EARTHQUAKES!!!! I've heard about them but never actually experienced one before. Until today while I was at work. I was sitting at my desk when I could feel the floor wobbled and my seat shake a little. It lasted about 30 seconds. I had to call Brian once it was over to see if he felt it also and yes indeed he did. He said he was in the bedroom and felt it and when he looked into the bathroom the mouthwash was shaking around. He was in Eagle River and I was in Anchorage-about 15 miles apart. I guess you can look up the quakes online and it'll tell you when, where and the size of the quakes. It stated that it happened about 10 mile west of Anchorage and it was around a 4.5 on the rector scale. Crazy......

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