Sunday, August 29, 2010

leaving in a Uhaul....

We leave tomorrow in the morning! Yikes. I can't believe that today is my last day as a Mayo nurse. I have learned so much working here. I work with the most amazing people and have made so many friends. It's kinda bittersweet leaving. I know it's time for some thing new and different but there will always be some thing here. Mayo and all the wonderful nurses I work with is a huge part of my first chapter of being a nurse. So now it's 'North to the future!' The Uhaul is loaded up-thanks to my wonderful hubby (I worked all weeekend). All we have left is loading up our car on the trailer in the morning and off we go! We are staying at Ann's tonight again since nothing is left in our house. Ethan had to spend the weekend with Axel, which I thought was super cute. Last night by time I got back to Ann's they were both sleeping in the guest room together. Axel sure will miss his cousins. Wish us luck! I'm not sure when I'll be able to post next but we hope to be at the new house in 4-5 days. I'm sure I'll have some good stories by then. Thanks Ann for letting us crash at your house for a few days and letting us store some of our stuff at your place! You rock.

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