Sunday, November 22, 2009

Copy Cat

I have a funny story I had to share. Axel is such a copy cat these days. He will try to copy any thing you do from putting his own clothes on, feeding the dogs, the way I eat or talk on the phone. I knew this day would come but already?!
The other day I was on the phone with a friend from work. We were having a good talk-we were on the phone for maybe 20 minutes. In our conversation I happen to say some thing to her about wishing that "I had more balls." (meaning that I wish I was more daring related to a topic) Of course my copy cat picked right up on that one and before I knew it here's Axel in the back round "More Balls! More Balls!" He was saying it so loud that Lisa (the girl I work with) could hear it and or course he was repeating it over and over! Luckily he didn't know the whole meaning to the conversation but man....I sure do have to watch what I say around him. What a silly boy! I couldn't help but laugh so Axel thought that he was being so cute that he kept repeating it. He sure does amaze me daily, even if it's by repeating all the great things that mom says!

No more daycare

We have decided to try no daycare. We have been paying for full time daycare but only using about 1-2 days a week. So with the help of Grandma Ann we are trying it with out. Brian and I luckily have flexible schedules so we have been flipping our shifts to work around each others. Ann watches Axel on the days in between my night shift, otherwise Brian and I are on duty. We have done it for two weeks already and it seems to be working out. Axel just loves going to Grandma Ann's house and we are so grateful that she can help us. Grandma's rock!

Axel has started to get a little sassy lately. I don't want to say terrible twos quite yet but maybe that's what it is. He is a very good boy but he has started to get upset when things don't always go his way and he LOVES to throw his food. I can only give him a little bit of food at a time and then still half of the time it ends up on the floor. We started to try the whole 'time out' thing, but it is still a work in progress. He is just really starting to understand things and some times can't get his point across, he loves to try to do things on his own (no matter how long it takes) and he doesn't like to hear the word 'NO'. It's amazing how much language he has been getting. I swear he learns new words or meaning every day. I can't believe that he is almost two! Where has the time gone?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

22 months

I can't believe that Axel is already 22 months old! Where has the time gone? I know it sounds cheesy but Axel sure is a blessing! He sure does know what he likes and what he does not like-and he will let you know about it. One of his favorite thing right now is to chuck things-like his dinner plate or a toy when he's done with it. I'm not sure where he learned that one but I think I could mop my floors daily. His newest word his "shadow". He just pointed to the wall the other day and said "shadow". Then pointed to mine and said "mom's shadow". I was like wow....yes that is my shadow! Where do they learn this stuff? Axel is really into all kinds boy stuff like trucks, tractors and trains. He had a doctor's appointment last week-he weighs 22 pounds and 6 ounces! He is officially on the charts at a big 4%!! Whoo woo! My big boy! We did make the big decision of turning his car seat forward. Gulp..I know...but he is forward facing and loving it!

Hope everyone had a great Halloween weekend. Axel and I hit the Cannonfalls downtown stroll and got a ton of candy! We went to Grandma Ann's and saw mom's friend Jackie on Halloween then headed home because it was kinda cold and dad wasn't feeling that well. (We are hoping it wasn't the influenza bug-we are hoping to keep that one out of our house!) Axel loved being able to carry around his light saber all night! All for now...

Monday, November 2, 2009