Thursday, May 28, 2009
Stop biting my kid!
So there is a biter at daycare. Axel has been bite 4 times this month! Each one of them has really left a mark too! I know that he isn't the only kid getting bit but it still sucks that he keeps getting chopped by this one kid. I talked with the daycare ladies about it just because I hate for Axel to learn to bite when he's made or some thing. I know that it's a hard age and they really are learning how to express themselves but stop biting my kid! If the situation was switched I don't know how I would stop Axel from biting so I am hoping this little boy will learn that it's not nice and to leave my little dude alone! Karla at daycare said that if it keeps happening that we can move Axel to the next group. Well actually he should be moved at 16 months to the next group but the little dude doesn't want to walk yet and all the other kids walk in that room. Karla said that even if he doesn't walk soon maybe we will move him to the toddler room if the biting keeps happening. And once again....Axel got bit today! Poor guy. So as of June 1st Axel will be moving to the toddler room. How much you want to bet that he will be walking by then? No pressure Axel!!! I think it'll be a nice change for him to try the next group with kids that are a little older. One thing that is really fun is that his second cousin, Elliot Klavon, will now be in his room! It will be pretty sweet that they get to play together all day. I never would have thought that my kid and my cool aunt Mary's kids would be in the same daycare class. So next month will bring about some changes. I hope he does well with them.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
swimming lessons
Axel and mom started swimming lessons last week. We are doing them in Northfield because they are inside. I was amazed at how many towns do there lessons outside. I was afraid that it would be to cold this early in the year. (even though last Tuesday was 90 degree's out) Axel did great. Actually he was the only kid in class that didn't cry! He just giggled when the water touched his tummy. We started to work on splashing with both our hands and feet and attempting to blow bubbles. Axel tried twice to do this but ended up just sucking water into his nose but he still didn't cry. He just coughed it out and was ready to play with the water toys again. We have a total of 8 classes-it should be fun to see what he will learn.
Axel still isn't walking but he is getting there. He has started to take 3-5 steps in between things. I've moved all of my coffee tables way far away from the couch's so he has to work for it a little. I'm sure it'll happen soon. Axel loves being outside. He can't get enough of the grass and rocks. He is such a boy! He has also really become a climber. He will try to climb on any thing. Axel has an obsession with blowing his nose. Any time he sees either a Kleenex, a butt wipe or toilet paper he will start to scrunch up his nose (I don't know if that the best word for it-but he makes a blowing noise with his nose) and he will continue that until we give him one! He is so funny. (it took the girls at daycare a while to figure that one out!) He also loves his toothbrush. He has to "brush" his teeth every time that mom or dad do. One other thing that he has really gotten into is being barefooted. He will wear his shoes and socks just fine but once the shoes come off he wants nothing to do with his socks. He will pull off his socks and start to play with his feet. He so my child because I can't stand to wear shoes and socks. I think that's is it for now. Hope every one had a great weekend. I just got to work....all weekend.
Axel still isn't walking but he is getting there. He has started to take 3-5 steps in between things. I've moved all of my coffee tables way far away from the couch's so he has to work for it a little. I'm sure it'll happen soon. Axel loves being outside. He can't get enough of the grass and rocks. He is such a boy! He has also really become a climber. He will try to climb on any thing. Axel has an obsession with blowing his nose. Any time he sees either a Kleenex, a butt wipe or toilet paper he will start to scrunch up his nose (I don't know if that the best word for it-but he makes a blowing noise with his nose) and he will continue that until we give him one! He is so funny. (it took the girls at daycare a while to figure that one out!) He also loves his toothbrush. He has to "brush" his teeth every time that mom or dad do. One other thing that he has really gotten into is being barefooted. He will wear his shoes and socks just fine but once the shoes come off he wants nothing to do with his socks. He will pull off his socks and start to play with his feet. He so my child because I can't stand to wear shoes and socks. I think that's is it for now. Hope every one had a great weekend. I just got to work....all weekend.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Finger Painting!

Axel and mom got to have a whole day at home last week. We had so much fun. We played outside, went for a walk and did a little finger painting! It was so fun watching him figure out what to do with all the paints. Of course he had to 'sample' the paint and see what it tasted like! After lunch we took a 4 hour nap together! Axel sure does love to snuggle with his momma! Here are some pictures of our day.
Mother's Day weekend
Hope every one had a great mother's day! Brian and I headed up to Duluth, with out Axel, for the whole weekend. I wasn't sure what I thought about leaving Axel all weekend, but it turned out pretty good. I don't even think Axel new I wasn't there! Grandma Ann does a great job with him. Thanks Grandma!! Luckily Tracy let us use her cell phone so I could call a hundred times to make sure Axel was ok. Yes, I know we still don't have a cell phone! Sorry but I love it-most of the time-except when I need to check on my little dude. So thank you Tracy for letting us use your phone. I'm sure I won't have been able to relax as well with out being able to call or have some one call us. Brian and I just hung out, slept in and took naps all weekend! We seriously didn't do much at all. We had big plans but it was a little rainy so we took that as an excuse to be lazy. We ate a ton of food and slept. What more could I ask for?! Our house in Duluth got grafitti'd a few weeks ago. James, my brother, already had that cleaned up so we didn't have any real 'tasks' to keep us busy. So I guess thanks James for doing all the labor the weekend before so we could be big piles all weekend! We came home Sunday afternoon and went out to dinner at Goerge's pizza in Northfield with the Rapp clan. The greeks make the best pizza ever! Nothing compares to it! It was a good weekend!
Axel said the word ball yesterday. We were playing catch and as I was throwing/rolling it back to him he pointed at it and said "ball"!! It so fun watching him learn. He is also getting another tooth. So now he'll have 4 on top and 3 on the bottom! Such a big boy. So... the little terd doesn't walk yet! He is 16 months old now. His doctor said not to worry that some kids just take there time, but come on dude!! The thing is he is crazy active, it's not like he doesn't get around. He walks holding things-even the smallest wobbly thing there is-but he just won't do it on his own. He can even climb on to the couch and jump up and down on the couch...but he won't walk! I think he is playing me. I wonder if he walks at daycare? I no that he doesn't take a bottle any more at day care, but he insists on having a bottle at home. I know that he knows that I want him to walk, so I think he's just fine taking his sweet time. It's crazy how smart they are and how quick they can play there parent's. I even switched his shoes thinking that might help? I know that there is nothing to worry about-I mean it'll happen-but it seems like it is so much later than every one else! Some times I guess you just have to talk about it to reassure yourself.
Axel said the word ball yesterday. We were playing catch and as I was throwing/rolling it back to him he pointed at it and said "ball"!! It so fun watching him learn. He is also getting another tooth. So now he'll have 4 on top and 3 on the bottom! Such a big boy. So... the little terd doesn't walk yet! He is 16 months old now. His doctor said not to worry that some kids just take there time, but come on dude!! The thing is he is crazy active, it's not like he doesn't get around. He walks holding things-even the smallest wobbly thing there is-but he just won't do it on his own. He can even climb on to the couch and jump up and down on the couch...but he won't walk! I think he is playing me. I wonder if he walks at daycare? I no that he doesn't take a bottle any more at day care, but he insists on having a bottle at home. I know that he knows that I want him to walk, so I think he's just fine taking his sweet time. It's crazy how smart they are and how quick they can play there parent's. I even switched his shoes thinking that might help? I know that there is nothing to worry about-I mean it'll happen-but it seems like it is so much later than every one else! Some times I guess you just have to talk about it to reassure yourself.
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