Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Axel had a great Easter. He got a total of 4 Easter baskets! What a soiled little man. Axel woke up to his first basket from the Easter bunny. It had a movie, some finger paints(which should be a good fun messy time!), peeps, a chocolate bunny and some bug's(plastic toys)! To fun, he loved the peeps and really liked his chocolate bunny! He bit the ears off in one bite! Then his dad shared the rest with him-mom didn't even get one bite. :( We all went to Aunt Tracy's house for lunch. She is such an amazing cook. We had pork and beef roasts on the grill. It was super yummy! Axel really liked the strawberry yogurt salad that grandma Ann made. Axel got a Easter basket from grandma Ann that had a new book, socks and candy in it. We had a mini egg hunt for Ethan and Axel. Axel loves to watch Ethan. He wants to try every thing that Ethan does. Luckily Ethan is so sweat and really tolerates Axel playing with his toys and trying to follow him around every where.
After Tracy's we went to my parent's house where the extended Haan Easter was happening. It was nice to see a bunch of family that we don't get to run into very often. (it was the first time that most of my aunts and uncle met Axel.) Axel got 2 basket's at Grandma Hamblin's Easter-one from his grandma and grandpa Hamblin and one from his great Grandma hamblin. Axel thought it was pretty cool getting treats and toys and each place he went to! Grandma Hamblin got him some bubbles-we haven't tried them yet-but I'll let you know how it goes. Great Grandma got Axel a new book and some treat's that he loved. The older kids all got kites for Easter. We went out side to watch and Axel couldn't get enough! He loves to watch older kids and all the stuff they know how to do.
Axel loved being out side for a good part of the day and it helped him sleep through the night! (which he really doesn't do so it was a nice break for mom!) Thanks to all of Axel's Easter bunnies! I have a bunch of pictures that I'll post some time soon.

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