Axel went to the doctor today. His check up went great! He had to get 2 shots, but he did pretty well. Here are his Stat's-
weight-19 lbs and 13 oz
height-30 inches
We don't worry about the percentile. He's growing and following his own curve. Axel still doesn't walk yet. I think he's just a cautious little guy and he will do it when he thinks he's ready. He stood up in the middle of the room a couple of times and he climbs on every thing! It amazes me how much he can climb and jump on my furniture but yet he won't walk! Little nerd. Otherwise he continues to walk along things and crawl around like a mad man. Axel is a great eater. He loves veggies. I think he would eat any veggie that I gave him. He really likes green bean, peas and his new favorite are black beans! He also likes fruit and of course any type of pasta. He has 6 teeth now and a ton of blond hair. (thanks uncle Chuck for calling him a girl on Easter!) We have decided not to cut his hair. I'm not sure when we will but not right now. I think he looks cute with all his long blond hair! Axel loves books, taking a bath and playing catch. (we roll a ball to him and he throws/rolls it back to us) He sure is a lot fun!
Oh..I don't know if I've shared with every one but we just moved. We are renting our house in Rochester out-to 4 nurses from Mayo. We have moved to Goodhue now. We are staying at our friend Jason's house. He has a house that is set up like a duplex and we have one half. We are unsure what are plans are but for the time being we are staying at Jason's, which will give us time to figure out what we want. It's really nice-we have 3 bedrooms, 1800 square feet and we are in the country!! (smaller than our house was but I love being able to grill and not have all my neighbors starring at me) I don't think I will ever move back to town. Once we get organized I'd like to have a bon fire party-I'll keep you guys posted.
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