Monday, September 6, 2021

End of Summer catch up


Abel in front of dads wall of license plates

New Ink for mom

Lucked out and got a walk in appointment 

B slowly getting all of his plates on the wall

banana smiles

Summer antique fairs and really cool finds! 

Winery and tapa's 

Mac and cheese pizza 

Ansel has always wanted to try Mac and Cheese pizza.  Found it at Green Mill. 
He said it was as good as he thought it would be. 

Love this mirror

COVID red wing jug.  What a time stamp for another crazy year of COVID

Boo.  Our last weekend of summer if here.  We spent the weekend getting the rest of our school clothes, staying home, making more jelly, boys playing as much video games as they can and trying to not think about having to wake up early next week.  Again the summer went to fast!  

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