Tuesday, November 3, 2020

COVID Halloween

 We have been dealing with all holidays and celebrations continuing to be different because of COVID.  This year we did not go door-to-door trick or treating.  We decided to stay home and binge on candy and attempt to create our own fun.  The boys were a little bummed but by the end of the day I think they still had a fun time.  We carved pumpkins and snacked all day.   Axel had two friends over.  The watched R rate scary movies. (I did get approval of the other parents)  They walked the cemetery- that is in our back yard- and screamed at movies.  Not bad for 7th grade and COVID style.   It is what it is and we continue to make the best of it.  

                                                             A bowl full of candy all day! 

                                                    Wearing random costumes all day too! 


                                                                Happy Halloween! 

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