Sunday, October 11, 2020

Last RV trip for the season

 Brian and I took advantage of the nice weather this weekend and went camping for one night in Lanesboro, MN.  Thanks Ann for watching the boys!  It was a prefect fall day.  We got to walk around the town, look at the fun little shops, go on a bike ride, go to the farmers market and even got homemade Amish goods!  I really like Lanseboro.  My great grandma used to live there.  I haven't been there now in a few years since she has passed.  It is still one of my favorite little hidden MN towns.  It was great way to send our RV adventures for the year.  It will be bittersweet getting the RV ready for winter.  Boo...

                                                                     Love the fall colors.  

Rode the ebikes.  We went about 20 miles- all the way to Peterson and back.  Thanks Bob for letting us use your bikes.  They are so much fun.  

Last camp fire of the year.  It's been such a great summer having the RV.  It really allowed us to have some many adventures and stay COVID safe.  It was a great addition!  Can't believe the season is done.  I am not ready for the cold weather and winter.  At least I have a ton of great summer memories to look back on.  


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