Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Impromptu trip to Co

Ahhh Mountain air! 

Brian and I decided to do an impromptu trip to Colorado over labor day weekend. We haven't been out there for 6 years!  It was time to make a trip.  We spent the weekend in Denver- just the two of us.  We drove to the Garden of the Gods and visited family.  Thanks Joe for bring us out for lunch and thanks to Kellie and her beautiful family for having us over for dinner.  I got to hold the twins (5 months old) and play with Kellie and Eric's fun little 2 year old, Seb.  It was such a fun trip.  Always love the mountain air and seeing family.  The weather was prefect.  I really like Colorado!!!  Can't wait for our next trip.  Next time we are not waiting 6 years.  Thanks to Ann for watching the boys o we could make the trip! 

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