Saturday, November 25, 2017


1st attempt on cooking Brian's great grandma's buchti
(a poppy seed filled sweat bun)

Letting the dough rise

Cutting into squares

Poppy seed filling

Not bad for the 1st try

Taste testing


Buchti crazy!!!

2nd batch :)
Full Disclosure:  We are not regular bakers.  I love to learn how to cook new things and thought this year we should learn how to make Buchti.  It's a recipe that has been in Brian's family since his great grandma.  Brian has always loved Buchti any where we can find it.  I'm pretty sure we need to keep practicing our skills in baking. The dough seem to turn out all right but I think we rolled it to thin.  The poppy seed filling was tricky and took longer then we thought which threw off our rising time on the dough.  Brian and I tried a second batch later in the day.  We cut them bigger and kept the dough thicker.  Still don't think they turn out right yet.  The second time we used canned poppy seed filling.  Ann did think it tasted right.  Buchti was trickier then we thought and I'll have to keep practicing.  :)   

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