Wednesday, March 22, 2017

1st day of spring

Finally the weather is starting to get nicer outside.  I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of time outside this summer! The boys have SO much energy to burn off.

Today was one of those days that you reflect as a Mom and say how can I do better?  What am I doing wrong? And why are the boys so crazy some times?!  I know they are kids, they have their own spirits and ideas to learn and grow from but it just burns me out some times.  This week I'm caught up in my own adult stresses-new job, different/more hours worked, finishing school, etc.... And I just don't have extra to give at night.  I get upset when I hear they give grandma (our daycare) a hard day and I am sad that I feel like I'm missing some thing.  How can I do better by them and teach them to be better?  I know they aren't going to be good all the time but man I feel like it's on me when they aren't! I love these crazy, high energy little people so much and I want them to be good to others, their brothers and to know when to give their Mom a brake :)  Tonight I will set the home work aside, watch some mind numbing TV and go to bed early.  Tomorrow is a new day with new ideas....or new energy right?!   AHHH!!! Some days just end rough...

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