Fun with play dough |
See the sour glare :) |
Ansel- my almost 3 year older. You are SUCH a sour patch right now! You are so sweat and then the sour kicks in!! You are my busiest at this age, that's for sure. You have a ton of opinions and like to make sure you get your way. You never want to wear shoes, you "hate" to sleep (the h-word is now a naughty word in our house!), you love to hang with your brothers & bug your brothers, you are funny and silly and have so many words now! You want NOTHING to do with potty training. You don't want to be called a big-boy- you say "No, Momma I'm your baby". We have started to call you the toddler because I know you are playing me and working this I'm the baby thing. You will always be my baby but using the potty is a good thing! Your brothers were much easier to reason with or maybe easier to bribe?! I'm going to keep trying to find your weakness :)
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