Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Yesterday we put to rest our dear old friend Jazz.  She has been our puppy for almost 12 years! She was the BEST dog I have ever had. Memories of a dear friend:
*We got her before we had any kids- drove all the way to Missouri and back to MN in one day. 8 hours each way. She cried the whole way home.
*She was there when all three of my boys were born- well at the house any ways.
*Moved all the way to Alaska- loaded in the back of a U-Haul. And then moved back to MN- that time in the back of our Jeep.
*So many camping and hiking trips.
Okay- I'll stop. Needless to say I am heart broken over the loss of my dog Jazz. No dog will ever compare.

1 comment:

jules said...

:( Oh, so sorry, Shanna. That is so sad. I am sure your boys (at least 2 of them) will talk about an remember Jazz.....