Thursday, October 9, 2014

Potty Talk

We can officially say that Abel is potty trained!  He has been only wearing undies for a few weeks now.  He is so proud every time he goes on the potty!  He is so independent now. He does his thing and when he's all done I'll here him "Mom, I went potty!"

The other day I went down stairs to change the laundry load. When I came back up stairs Abel was naked. When I asked him what happened to his underwear he said that he took care of it. He then said I flushed it! I thought he flushed his underwear?! Abel said no my Poop!  Oh geesh.. so where are your undies again? He walks me in to the bathroom and shows me what he did.  He went Poop, wiped his own butt- with my WHITE hand towel, flushed the Poop and threw the hand towel and his undies down the laundry shoot.  See what I'm saying about being independent! I hope next time he will use toilet paper instead. :) 

1 comment:

jules said...

Hahaha. Potty trained kiddos are the best. ;) I honestly think Maggie is ready?? She keeps sitting on the potty whenenver I go. Seems so young....not even 2....but she is a girl?? I don't know. I will wait until she turns 2. ;) Maybe out of laziness...maybe not. ;) CONGRATS ABEL!