Tuesday, October 28, 2014


 Axel just finished a session in Gymnastics. He got to do it with his cousin Bode. I wish we had gymnastics in our town (we've been driving to Northfield- like 20 mins away). It's  great way for Axel to burn some energy!
Great Grandma came to watch once- and love on Ansel
Ansel playing with aunt Risa

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Beautiful Fall Day

1st time swinging

Loves the swing!

Fall colors

Crunching leaves

What a wonderful fall day we had today! We took advantage by going to the park.  I really do like the fall.  You get to wear jeans and a hoodie, the leaves are changing colors and there is a briskness to the air.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Potty Talk

We can officially say that Abel is potty trained!  He has been only wearing undies for a few weeks now.  He is so proud every time he goes on the potty!  He is so independent now. He does his thing and when he's all done I'll here him "Mom, I went potty!"

The other day I went down stairs to change the laundry load. When I came back up stairs Abel was naked. When I asked him what happened to his underwear he said that he took care of it. He then said I flushed it! I thought he flushed his underwear?! Abel said no my Poop!  Oh geesh.. so where are your undies again? He walks me in to the bathroom and shows me what he did.  He went Poop, wiped his own butt- with my WHITE hand towel, flushed the Poop and threw the hand towel and his undies down the laundry shoot.  See what I'm saying about being independent! I hope next time he will use toilet paper instead. :) 

Monday, October 6, 2014

7 Months

Learning about the sippy cup

Baby Puffs

Look No Hands!

Ansel is 7 Months! Here is what you have been up to this month.

Personality: You continue to be  a happy baby.  You smile and giggle a lot,  You are a morning kid. Happy right when you get up. I hear you over the monitor babbling to yourself and even giggling. It's pretty cute. You love watching your brothers and would rather have any of their toys then a baby toy.
Sleeping/Eating: You continue to be a good sleeper. Most nights you sleep all night or get up just once. You have started be be a better day time napper also. Normally you will have a 2 hour nap in  the morning and a 1 hour nap in the afternoon.  You have continued to eat more baby foods. And even started some finger foods- like baby puffs. You love controlling the food in your own hands and have started to try 'helping' with your spoons.
Other Stuff: You LOVE to roll! You will roll across the room now- pretty much rolling until you run into some thing, get frustrated/stuck, then roll the other way. Sitting with support. New fun is the high chair. Even just sitting in the chair with toys.  You love the new view.

Weight: 16 pounds (18th%)
Height: 67.5 cm (38th %)