Tuesday, April 1, 2014

4 weeks

4 weeks old!

 I don't think I will ever get a picture with the three of them looking at me :)
open eyes
It's been a month already?!  It feels like you have always been a part of our family. I can't image my days with out you. Ansel you are such a sweet and happy baby.
What you are up to:
This month has been a fast one!  We are all just getting settled in and think we have each other figured out. Sleeping- not so much.  Mom knows this part gets better.... some day.  You wake up about every 2-3 hours to eat. One nice thing is that you will sleep in the middle of our noisy busy house.
Eating- doing a great job at nursing! Gaining weight and peeing and pooping!
Other stuff-  you are starting to have more awake times. I love when your eyes are open and you watch your big brothers.  You seem to be a content and happy baby. Only cry when you have a dirty diaper, your hungry or want to be held.  You LOVE to be held. You are a master at peeing out of your clothes!  You think by my third boy I would have this stuff down but no..some how you will always pee out of you clothes.  Today you have done it twice already :)

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