My little man Axel had his first day of school today. Kindergarten!!
He was so excited and ready to start school. He loves to learn and is excited about every thing that is to come this year. Brian told him that school can get you any where if you stay focused. Axel then asked if we could help him find a college that he could study Paleontology. That is what he wants to be when he grows up- a dinosaur scientist.
I figured I wouldn't follow him in his school with my camera clicking so just 'grown up' pictures at the front of the house. Brian and I both got to walk him into meet his teacher this morning. His teacher is Mrs. O'Brien. He let us kiss him behind a wall- so no one could see and then waved go bye to us. He was so brave! I almost cried but kept my cool. (I did cry just a little the night before when was packing his lunch bag.)
I got to pick him up and surprised him with a special first day of school cookie. He won't be riding the bus this year but he still thought the school cookie was pretty cool. He couldn't stop talking all night about his day. How lunch was, how playing outside was, reading books, singing songs and making a few "back up" buddies. (that's what he called them) He had a few awesome buddies that he really liked at daycare. He was stoked to see them at school today also. They are both 1st graders- but Axel liked that he could run into his old buddies in lunch and at recess. I am so proud of you Axel and can't believe that you are starting school already! You are going to have so much fun this year.