Saturday, May 25, 2013

Celebrate in May

Abel turned 2. Big brother was a little jealous this year. He was not to happy about all the attention towards the Birthday boy. Luckily Abel is pretty good ok at sharing and let his brother play with his new toys.  

Love having Grandma's around for presents!

Colored bubbles.

Crazy Big Bro

Cousin Bode

Maddie, Aunt Krisha and Axel

We celebrated Abel's Birthday along side all of my families May Birthdays. Aunt Krisha and me on the 26th and Bode on the 31st. Abel also got cupcakes at the Grandma and Grandpa Rapp. Abel LOVES cupcakes now! I think we had them three days in a row last week.

1 comment:

j said...

Top picture is the best. It's like watching your and Krisha's faces all over again.