Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sprinkler's in May?

 It's 62 degrees out- why not get the sprinklers out! Axel thought it was warm enough to play with the water. I guess he is used to Alaska summers.

                  Abel did not think the cold water was as much fun. It'll be warmer next time. :)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Celebrate in May

Abel turned 2. Big brother was a little jealous this year. He was not to happy about all the attention towards the Birthday boy. Luckily Abel is pretty good ok at sharing and let his brother play with his new toys.  

Love having Grandma's around for presents!

Colored bubbles.

Crazy Big Bro

Cousin Bode

Maddie, Aunt Krisha and Axel

We celebrated Abel's Birthday along side all of my families May Birthdays. Aunt Krisha and me on the 26th and Bode on the 31st. Abel also got cupcakes at the Grandma and Grandpa Rapp. Abel LOVES cupcakes now! I think we had them three days in a row last week.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


               Happy birthday to my baby boy Abel.

2 years already


Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Abel placing his plants in the dirt

Axel getting his plants in the dirt

The boys and I finally got to dig in the dirt today. I love having flowers/plants around and I love getting my hands in the dirt to grow something. It's just a beginner of my planting plans for the summer but my helpers did such a good job!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Are there any fish in the lake?
 Happy Mother's day! We ended up going to my parent's cabin for a night. We haven't been there for 3 years and when I heard my parent's were going to open it up for the summer I couldn't help but want to go. I have always loved going to the cabin. It's so cool to share the cabin I grew up in with my boys. Thanks Mom and Dad for a fun night.
Helping Grandma with the leaves

                                        A part of going to the cabin is getting pizza at Zorbaz.

Watching the sunset

Yeah the dock is ready!

We only spent one night this time but I can't wait for long weekends to come this summer. Don't worry boys next time we will get to swim in the lake, ride in the boat and go fishing! This weekend was spent getting the dock and lift ready because the ice had just gone out on the lake. It was windy and chilly but a great way to spend my Mother's Day weekend. With my Mom and at the cabin. Love you Mom.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Almost 2

can't believe that you are turning 2 in a few weeks. You are not a baby any more. He has turned into a little person this last month or so. He has more words all the time ("ball, purple"-just today) he climbs on top of every chair in the house, has to try every thing on his own ("I do Momma!")and loves being by his brother. He likes daycare once he is there but the drop off is still rough on Mom. Luckliy Brian does it most of the time. Once we pull into the lot of the school he points and says "No!" I'm sad that the 2 year mark is so close but I do really like the toddler phase.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Snow in May

Went to the city wide garage sale today in the snow. Brian had to grab the canoe. The boys seemed to already love their new boat. Warm weather or not! We do see a small amount of super green grass under the snow. Hopefully when it all melts the yard will look amazing.