We had a punky little boy on Christmas. Abel started having fevers on the 23rd and continued for 4 days. Christmas was full of family time but he was not himself- he sat on one of our laps. We brought him back to the clinic on Thursday morning. (I met them at the office after working a night shift) The doctor thought he was working hard to breath, he was retracting and his O2 sats were low. Then she said the dreaded words.... I would like to admit your child to the hospital. So back to my old floor we went- via an ambulance ride even! Abel hated the ride- if he only knew how cool his brother would have thought the ride was.
Abel spent three nights in the hospital. He had neb treatments every 2 hours and was swabbed positive for Influenza B. Yes he has had the flu shot this year! He was such a good boy in the hospital. He was boried and liked walking the hallways with his mask on carring his blanket. We got to bust out on Sunday. It was nice being all together at home for the New years.
Happy New Year!
1 comment:
Oh my gosh!!! How awful, Shanna! I'm so sorry you had to go through that!!!! Ug. Glad everyone is healthy now!!!! Happy New Year!
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