Today we went to the Arboretum with Aunt Risa, Krisha and the cousins Maddie, Ty and Bode. It was an outside walking tour of the arb with trick or treating. It was little chilly but every one looked great in their costumes and it was nice to spend time with the cousins. Both of my boys feel alseep on the way home.
Baby hulk |
I know it's an ealry preview of the coustumes but Axel loves wearing his so it gave him a great excuse to run around as spider man for a day.
Ty-Banana, Axel-spiderman, Maddie- a bee |
walking the trails |
Bode- grim reeper |
Tomorrow we are craving pumpkins. I think it's starting to feel like Halloween. :) We all survived our first busy week. The boys did well at daycare/preschool. And of course they both already have new colds too! My first week went well and man was I tired! I got to spend one day on my unit which was awesome and once again I'm super pumped and nervous for all that I have to learn. I have one more week of general nursing orientation then I start my orientation to critial care nursing. Then I will have 3 months of classes along side with shifts on my unit. Lot's of learning! I am ready for the challenge. Bring on the classes.