Today we went on our first field trip with Axel's preschool. We went to Pryah's farm in Palmer AK. The kids got a story about were veggie's come from and all the things you can cook with them.

Getting ready to board the hay ride. Axel was super excited to ride on the blue one.

These are the first fields we've seen since we moved here. I think there is one dairy farmer in the state. You never see a corn field when you drive-only forest's and mountains. It's weird for a MN girl!

Picking potatoes right from the ground!

Very different from MN fields and farms

Axel was super happy to see a tracker

Fresh carrots. Yummy

Of course Abel's always along for the ride! He did really well on the hayride but got scared and cried when every one yelled "Yeea-Ha"! Soon buddy you'll get to eat veggie's too!
1 comment:
Sounds like a pretty fun preschool! :) Mack is jealous. Love Abel's striped outfit!
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