We had our monthly doctor appointment today. I love getting to hear the heartbeat. (which was right around 135 beats per min.) I feel the baby moving every day now. I love it. He usually likes to move around a lot after I eat and right when I lay down to go to sleep. I can't believe that we are at the half way mark. It's crazy how fast it has been going this time. I'm feeling really good and sleeping good lately. I have started to get some crazy heartburn but otherwise no complaints. The other day I was running to the store to get more TUMS and when we got home Axel said "mom, I have heartburn...right here on my foot....I need medicine." It's funny how much he takes in!
Another story of Axel and what he has been learning. We are sitting at the doctor's today and he is looking at all the pictures on the wall. (in a OB clinic-you know what's on the walls) He see a picture of a cross section of a females lower half. He looks at me and said "Mom is that her penis?" (yes, we use real words-no fire engine here) I tell him no, it's a girl. Then he says "Oh! That's her gina?" Yes, Axel that's her gina. I try and revert his interest to the polar bears on the other wall, but instead he continues to stare at the picture. Next he says "Is there a hole in her gina?" Oh man! He is 3!! I can't believe that he notices all of this. Yes, Axel she does have a hole there. Axel "Why?!" Buddy let's talk about this more when your a teenager! Thankfully this is when the doctor walked into the room! It's amazing to me how much he questions things. As a nurse I want to use real words and teach him things but I didn't think this lesson would come up this early! I was hoping he would learn all the bones and muscles first! I can't believe that I'm going to be a mom of two boys! I love the sound of it.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Baby #2-first pictures!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
The big news....

Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Axel turns 3!

Happy Birthday Axel! He was so lucky to have Grandma Ann here for his birthday this year. We had a great time with her for the last week. I'll share more pictures later. Axel was so sad to see her go. Axel's favorite things as a 3 year old: chocolate milk, chicken nuggets,apples-not cut up dino's, Toy Story, taking a bath, playing with his hot wheels or dump trucks and his new Hungry Hungry Hippo game. He amazes me every day and his stories are so funny. Love you Axel!!!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Whittier and Grandma visit

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