Tuesday, January 25, 2011

21 weeks and the birds and the bees

We had our monthly doctor appointment today. I love getting to hear the heartbeat. (which was right around 135 beats per min.) I feel the baby moving every day now. I love it. He usually likes to move around a lot after I eat and right when I lay down to go to sleep. I can't believe that we are at the half way mark. It's crazy how fast it has been going this time. I'm feeling really good and sleeping good lately. I have started to get some crazy heartburn but otherwise no complaints. The other day I was running to the store to get more TUMS and when we got home Axel said "mom, I have heartburn...right here on my foot....I need medicine." It's funny how much he takes in!

Another story of Axel and what he has been learning. We are sitting at the doctor's today and he is looking at all the pictures on the wall. (in a OB clinic-you know what's on the walls) He see a picture of a cross section of a females lower half. He looks at me and said "Mom is that her penis?" (yes, we use real words-no fire engine here) I tell him no, it's a girl. Then he says "Oh! That's her gina?" Yes, Axel that's her gina. I try and revert his interest to the polar bears on the other wall, but instead he continues to stare at the picture. Next he says "Is there a hole in her gina?" Oh man! He is 3!! I can't believe that he notices all of this. Yes, Axel she does have a hole there. Axel "Why?!" Buddy let's talk about this more when your a teenager! Thankfully this is when the doctor walked into the room! It's amazing to me how much he questions things. As a nurse I want to use real words and teach him things but I didn't think this lesson would come up this early! I was hoping he would learn all the bones and muscles first! I can't believe that I'm going to be a mom of two boys! I love the sound of it.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Baby #2-first pictures!

Yeap.....it's a BOY!
I didn't get it totally straight on my scanner but here's a profile picture of the baby! I can't wait to meet you baby boy!!! We are 20 weeks pregnant now. Finally to the half way mark. It seems like it's been going so fast yet so slow. Hope the next 20 weeks goes by really fast! I am so ready to meet him.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The big news....

The verdict is in.......it's a BOY!!
We had our 19 week ultrasound today. (I am 19 weeks and 3/7) It was so much fun. We got to see the baby and find that he is a BOY! The tech looked at all his bone and organs, which are all healthy and growing wonderfully! We got to see 10 finger and 10 toes and the baby even looked like he waved at us. We could see him opening and closing his mouth. We saw his heart and all 4 chambers, two kidneys and a perfect spine! He was moving around a lot! I feel some of his movements but not all of them yet. The tech tech took measurements of his bones, head and tummy. He said that the baby is about 14 oz in weight-that's almost 1 pound! WOW. I wonder how much bigger he's going to get. Axel was 7 lb 9 oz, people say the second kid is always bigger? When the tech measured the baby's tummy he said it was nice and round-like in the 96% for his size. Too cute! Just like Axel he'll have a nice round tummy and chicken legs! I have a few profile pictures that are super cute. Once I get them scanned on my computer I'll share them with you. Now I have a picture of both of my boys on my desk and work. I can't wait to meet him!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Axel

For all the family that couldn't be with us this year.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Axel turns 3!

Looking back at the last 3 years of our lives with Axel. Here's the three of us in our first family picture.
Axel was born Jan. 5th 2008 at 325am. He weighed 7 lbs 9 oz
Axel turns one.
Already one.......
Axel turns 2! Wow time flies....

Now he's 3!!!

Happy Birthday Axel! He was so lucky to have Grandma Ann here for his birthday this year. We had a great time with her for the last week. I'll share more pictures later. Axel was so sad to see her go. Axel's favorite things as a 3 year old: chocolate milk, chicken nuggets,apples-not cut up dino's, Toy Story, taking a bath, playing with his hot wheels or dump trucks and his new Hungry Hungry Hippo game. He amazes me every day and his stories are so funny. Love you Axel!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Whittier and Grandma visit

Off the Seward Highway on the way to Whittier AK

Looking toward Portage Glacier. If the lake was more frozen we would have been able to walk across to the glacier. In the summer you can take a boat to view the glacier.
Anton Anderson Memorial tunnel-one lane tunnel to Whittier. The tunnel was 2.5 miles long. Both cars and trains use the same tunnel. It is the only way into Whittier besides by a boat or float plane. Whittier is located on Western inlet of Prince William Sound. The tunnel only opens on each side once an hour.
Driving in the tunnel
Axel and Grandma in the tunnel
Leaving the tunnel. Entering into Whittier AK
Whittier is mainly a summer town. Most of the little shops and fishing tours were closed for the winter.
Small boat harbor.
Grandma Ann and Axel

On the way back to Anchorage we stopped by Alyeska ski resort. It is located in Girdwood AK. The slopes were amazing here. Some day I'm going to attempt to go down one.
I think Ann saw a bear on the deck!!!!
Brian's new Benelli M4 tactical shotgun.