Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oops we did it again!!!

Check out Axel's new shirt.....
Yeap! That's right!!!!
Axel is going to be a big brother!!!!
We are still very early-like 5 or 6 weeks along but I couldn't hold it in any longer!! Axel is going to be a big brother!!! We are due in February around the 16th. Yeah....a baby in our house again!


j said...

Wait a second - that means you RAN a 5K while pregnant?!! I was eating a box of crackers and a bottle of anti-nausea pills a day when I was 5 weeks. . .

jules said...

OMG! Congrats, Shanna and Brian!!! That is so exciting!! :)

I just found your blog cuz it was listed on Shelly's! I have entered the blogging world as well. ;) We should plan sometime to all get together soon!


Rapp family fun said...

I know, I totally didn't know that I was prego when I ran the 5K. I've been feeling great. I had 2 other 5K's planned this summer but the belly might be too big then! I thought I was going to be healthy this summer :) I'll just be prego instead! Hope all is well with you.

Shelly Pagel said...

like I put on FB... I'm SOO excited for you guys! Its so cool all of our kids are so close in age- love it love it! : )

Hope time flies- it does like crazy with #2, and hope you feel awesome like you did with Axel man!