Sunday, April 28, 2024

Exciting time for Pediatrics

Tracy and me (co-managers of pediatrics and pediatric infusion center and VIRN- virtual nurses ) 
Some of our team!
Our supervisors 
Amazing art work

Our new infusion center! We have grown from 3 rooms to 11! We have two sites now - one downtown and one at St. Mary’s. Infusion center is for any kid who needs outpatient IV therapy’s. Can be blood, chemo, iron, etc. It’s a huge expansion for our practice. So cool to be a part of opening a new site. 
Our beautiful waiting room with trees
Our leadership team 
Open house ! 
Meet co-bot. Fun way to deliver snacks to pediatrics patients. 
The break room 
Tami- my administrator. Best boss ever!!
Getting the emergency management all figured out
The desks are so pretty 

Making sure everything is working 
Snake on opening day 

The first medication!! 

 Sunny days in my office. Having a window is so wonderful! Having a glare on my screen is so much better then working in a closet :)

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Track meet

 Spring sports can a so rough! 35 degrees and windy. It was hard as a spectator. Axel and his team did great! 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Spring days

 Ansel building a robot

Grilling on the driveway. Our big grill broke :( little camping grill to the rescue! 
St.Marys on a rainy morning 
Dinner on the deck

Walks- trails and sunshine bring me joy! 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Track 2024

Axel Track 2024 :

He has been doing pole vaulting and running many different events. 


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Ansel goes to Eagle Bluff

Ready to go to Eagle Bluff! Ansel got to go to camp with all the 4th graders in CannonFalls. He spent two nights : Wednesday thru Friday. The house was so weird and quiet with him gone!
His teachers did a great job sharing pictures from camp. 

Fires at night 

Outdoor adventures

Cleaning up 

The rope coarse 

 Bus selfies !