Sunday, September 11, 2022


 The garden has been doing great this year. We have a lot of tomatoes, sweat peppers, habaneros and basil. We have been making spaghetti sauce and freezing tomato packs for chili this winter. 

These guys are SO hot. Freezing them until we turn them into sauce. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2022


 Axel decided to join football this year. I’m super nervous that he is going to get hurt ! He didn’t like that I was looking up the percentage of concussions in youth football?! It’s been fun learning to cheer for a new sport ! Go Bombers! #43

Monday, September 5, 2022


 We went rafting down the Cannon River today.  It was fun to have one last summer adventure.  The boys did pretty well.   A little bit of complaining and whining but not to bad :) The weather was perfect.  

Everyone got a chance to paddle but Mom & Dad still did most of the work.