Sunday, May 23, 2021

Double digits

 Abel Martin turns 10!  How is he already at the double digit mark?  His picks for the day was bowling, Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner, Angel Food Cake and for the end we went to a movie- in the theater!   I was ready for a friend party yet but adventured all day!  

2 years since we have been in a theater 

there was only 2 other people there- it was great!

Godzilla vs Kong 


Giant Balloon in the house?!


So many snacks all day

Love this boy!!

Doughnut for breakfast

Giant balloon in the yard- it just kept floating away

Until it popped on the neighbors house! 

It was fun while it lasted! 

Happy Happy Birthday my sweet middle boy!!  Abel is 10!  Man, 10 is real number.  He is growing up so fast.  He is finishing up 4th grade.  The year has been rough with COVID and going back and forth distance learning.  Abel makes it so easy though.  He does all his work with not much push from me.  He really is the go with the flow kind guy.  I know he prefers being with his friends but has done great with the yo-yo of this school year.  He loves video games and any thing with tech.  His favorite foods are Mom's spaghetti or tacos :)  When I asked Abel what he wants to be when he grows up he said a NASA rocket engineer.  Alright!  I told him I would wear a NASA t-shirt every day! Love you so much Abel!  

Saturday, May 15, 2021


 Axel is running in track this year.  It's so nice having sports back!  Axel is doing pole vaulting and running the 400, 800 and once the 1600 meter dash.  (400 is a quarter of a mile, 800 is half a mile and 1600 is a mile)  

Pole vaulting- 5-6 feet high!

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mother’s Day Adventures

 I got to spend the day with my most favorite people! We went on a Mother’s Day adventure.  We walked through the sculpture museum, checked out a couple of antique stores, got some delicious Pizza Luce and then ice cream at the Dairy Inn. It was a perfect day! Thanks boys for bringing me out!  

Salt glazed pots- my antique finds 

Love gifts made at school! 

My new pots 

Being a mom is one the hardest and best roles I have in life. I’m so honored to get to be a mom to these three boys! I love each one of you so much!!!