Sunday, March 28, 2021

COVID style concerts

choir concert


Axel just had a band and choir concert.  We were able to have two guest per show.  B was working nights so Abel was my date.  (him and Ansel had to draw straws)  This year in band Axel is playing percussion.  He seems to like it better then the trumpet.  I actually hear him practicing once and a while so that good.  For each concert they only let one grade in at at time and each grade only performed two songs.  It was still nice to be in the school for something that felt semi-normal.  

Monday, March 15, 2021

B's AR-15

This guy :)

Colt AR 15 

B's new toy.  Haven't gotten to shoot it yet but soon!

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Ansel B turns 7

 Ansel turns 7!!  We celebrated with cake and Buca's.  It was his choice for his Birthday dinner.  

Ansel's new 'merch'.  The sweatshirt is from one of his favorite YouTuber's Dan TDM.  He was so excited! I don't think he has taken it off since he got it :)

Birthday cake

I can't believe that Ansel is 7 already.  He is growing up so fast.  Having two big brothers really helps you jump through so many phases.  Ansel is in 1st grade.  This year has been distancing learning and some in person.  It's been a tough school year.  Ansel loves to play outside (cold weather or warm), he loves Mac and Cheese, he loves watching gamers on YouTube, playing videos games and still snuggles his mom.  He is so smart, funny and can talk NON stop!  He has so many questions like "Mom if you could be any animal (dead, alive, extinct or magical ) what would you be?"  I always answer Unicorn!  :)  It's been a crazy fast year.  I'm so glad to pause and take time to celebrate baby A.  Happy Birthday Dude!!