Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Abel turns 7

Birthday dinner at Buca's of course!
 I like to let the boys pick out a dinner of their choose on their B-day.  Buca's has continued to be the top choice!

Meat Balls!!

Chocolate cake even bigger then the meat balls

Abel's first friend b-day party
Bowling party

Happy Birthday Abel!!

Abel is 7?!!!  My sweat little boy is really starting to grow up!  He is almost done with first grade.  He loves all things Lego, Mine craft or video games.  He likes to watch funny video on the computer and videos of people playing mine craft. (I totally don't get this, but he loves to watch it?!)  Abel's favorite color is red.  Favorite food is Mexican.  (now that's a new one this year! taco's are a new thing in the house- Yay!)  He doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up? Hey buddy neither do I :)  He loves to ride his bike- with no training wheels!  Cheers to celebrating another year Abel!! Love you so much. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Happy Mothers Day

 Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there.  We are so lucky to have the mom's we do in our lives.  I got to spend the day with boys.  We had brunch and got to buy plants for the yard.  Besides not getting to sleep the day was really great. :)
For the garden

From Abel

From Axel

Being a Mom is a challenge every day.  My boys all have their own crazy personality.  Our daily pattern is so busy and I do forget to slow down and enjoy these crazy moments.  Axel:  you are so smart, love to ask questions, I have so many great conversation with you about books, history and other crazy things we saw on TV but you love to push all my buttons and test every boundary in front of you!  Abel: your sweat and emotional- SO emotional, you are such the middle child- you can play and fight well with both your brothers, give give hugs so freely- please never stop this.  Ansel:  the sour patch (sweet one minute and sour the next , your only 4 but you make sure every one knows your in the room, you love to sleep in my bed and throw fits when I give you the wrong gummy worms or color of cup.  Some days I feel like I got this motherhood thing down and the other I'm pulling my hair out before noon. I may have pee all over the bathroom and my house is always a mess but I'm so lucky to each one of you my sons.   Thank you boys for making me a mom! Love you all so much!  Please don't ever stop being you...so be easier on your mom.

Monday, May 7, 2018


Brian had to work the other weekend so I went bowling the with the boys.  I haven't bowled in a very long time.  We luckily got to use bumpers...I mean for the boys. It was fun to have all 3 boys be able to play along. 

Ice cream on the deck after