Axel Turns 8!! |
Oh No! He has a girlfriend with one candle left burning! |
Axel at 8 Years Old:
You are such a crazy smart kid. You always question things around you and the facts that you remember blow my mind all the time. Here is some of the things you have said this year.
* One night your brother Abel got upset and was crying. He then said that his heart was broken (probably because I said that he couldn't have his 3rd cookie or something) Axel then asked him- well what kind of broken Abel? Do you mean medical or emotional? Both can happen but you have to fix them in completely different ways. Abel was like ah...I just wanted another cookie.
*I called the boys monkey's the other day. Axel then informed me that we are apes not monkeys. He then informed me that monkeys have tails- apes do not.
I love the stuff you teach me. You are my first born and I am learning along the way with you. You are a natural leader of your brothers. I hope you do good things with this power :) You love teaching your brothers things. The LOVE learning it from you.
You are in 2nd grade. You seem to like school for the most part. You like Math, Gym Class & Science the most. You are getting really good at reading- even if you fight it some times. You read chapter books and it seems like 2nd grade is already full of home work. You get marked down on you chart at school some times for being to chatty.
I have no idea where you get this from. :)
This year you like Soccer & Basketball.
Other things:
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite movie: Minions
Favorite show: Gravity Falls
Favorite Food: Spaghetti & Arizona Ice Tea
Favorite Hobbies: Building Lego creations & practicing sports
You have lost 3 teeth this year. You like your dogs & want to be outside all the time. You are starting to question to many things! Like Santa- you have asked a few times this year if he really is real or not? I was not ready for that yet. I kept saying magic and believing. He didn't totally say he didn't believe just that he wasn't sure. This makes me sad- slow down Axel- I'm a Mom to a 8 year old!