My view for the night- 21st floor! |
View at sunset :) |
Dinner date |
Last week I was lucky enough to go to the Pediatric Integrative Nursing Conference. It was two days full of different information on alternative therapies and the role of nursing has with implementing these therapies. Some of the therapies discussed was: foot reflexology, acupressure, music therapy, culture aspects, Chinese medicine, healing touch, yoga, meditation, nutrition and cool new app's that can be used with the pediatric populations. The conference was presented from the Children's Hospital of MN. It was really interesting to see how they do things differently in the cities and to meet some new people to network with. I was actually pleasantly surprised on how many people I knew in the conference. A few nurses from Mayo but otherwise about 4 ladies that I use to work with that now are in the cities. I am planning on focusing my thesis on alternative therapies with the the hope of decreasing the use of pain medication- so this conference gave me so much information and so right up my ally! I liked certain parts better then others. I enjoy the parts the involved breath- yoga, guided imagery & meditation. I believe that some of these therapies along side with modern medicine can allow for better personalized health care. I love getting a chance to nerd out about nursing stuff and new information! I got to spend a night in a hotel- all by myself- on the 21st floor! It was really fun and had a great view of the city of St. Paul.
Then to round out a great day I got to meet my old friend, blogger that I follow, Julie. It was such a great dinner date- at The Happy Gnome. I had the most amazing burger, good beers and awesome conversation. It's been over a year since Julie and I have ran into each other. I had a great time- much needed adult interaction! Thanks Julie for picking a great place to eat- always fun to try new places. Can wait for our next dinner date :) Let's not wait so long next time.