Monday, June 29, 2015

Soccer Time

Soccer Time!!

Of course Abel needed Soccer gear too.

Trying out the goalie spot

Snacking and watching big brother

One fun thing of summer with school kids- Summer Sports!  Axel is in Basketball and Soccer this summer. He seems to like both and is learning a lot.  I like it because they both help burn a little bit of his boy energy!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

We have a walker!

                          Ansel is finally walking!
He is about right on track with his brothers when they started walking.
                        Walking at 15 Months :)  
Favorite things:
*Playing in the tupper-ware drawer or with the post and pans- taking all of them out and spreading them through out the house.
*Climbing on to the couch. He thinks he's so funny because he can get himself up there now and reach for he blinds.
*No real words yet but starting to get very noisy at times.
*Loves most foods- veggies, fruits and even some meats.
*Wants to do any thing his bog brothers are doing. Drinking from water bottles, juice boxes, sitting on a bleacher seat, climbing on things, etc....
*Taps his toes when he's happy. Does this mostly when sitting- in the highchair or on the couch.
*Still likes to wake up at night.  Goes to bed pretty well- just likes to wake up once for a bottle.

Monday, June 22, 2015

MN Zoo

Ansel, Abel, Axel, Ellie and Joselyn

We love going to the Zoo- even better when we meet friends there!  The boys and I go to the Zoo quite often.  It helps that we have a membership :) Here are a few pictures from the last two trips we took to the Zoo.  One with our friends and their girls and the next just me and the boys.

 The Zoo has new Hawaiian Monk Seals. There was hula dances and face painting.

Of course he wanted to touch the snake! Yuck

Loved the lizard too

Snacking and watching the bird show
 I love that Ansel just wants to be a part of the boys. He sat on the bleachers and ate his PB &J and drank a juice box just like the older two. So cute!
Visiting the farm

Chicken Heads

Monday, June 15, 2015

1st Hair Cut


Ansel got his first hair! It is always an emotional moment for me- the first hair cut.  It seems to take away one of the last 'baby' part of my almost toddler. (If he would only walk then I could call him a toddler).  He sat on the chair by himself, drank his bottle and cried a little at the end. Not bad for the first time. I thought about getting sad when I left this little hair trimming at the salon but in the big picture what do I really do with them. I have one from each of the other boys- but for what- right? So I left it- Sorry Ansel you are so the 3rd boy in a busy house. I promise to still try and take pictures of things that you do but I might forget a few.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Fun in the Sun

Spent the day at the Lake
Is this how this works?

Let's start diggin!
Loved playing in the water and sand!

Just floating

Today was a good day. The boys loved hanging on the beach and playing in the water. Couldn't think of a better way to enjoy a hot summer day!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

1st Grade Track and Field Day

                                               Axel's End of 1st Grade Track and Field Day.