Friday, November 28, 2014

Giving Thanks

 Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  This year I was suppose to work but at the last minute I got canceled and didn't have to go in!  I instead we went to Grandma Ann's and get our fill with turkey.
Ansel's first Hawaiian sweet roll
First thanksgiving with all 3 boys! I have so many things to be thankful for this year. Cheers to Family and Health.
 How come it's the oldest one whining about his food?  He ended up loving the turkey and stuffing.

Dad helping out with the cupcakes 

Grandma Craving the turkey in her new Infinity hoodie

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Knock Knock

Gotta love a Knock Knock joke.  Sorry about the video quality- dogs barking and all!
                                         Abel.... I sure do love your giggles.

Okay every one...I think I have the settings figured out and you should be able to view this now! I mess up video's every time :)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Some One Likes The Snow

Staying warm inside 

Playing in the snow

Making Dino tracks in the snow

I'm not quite ready for the snow and cold but the older two boys don't mind it.  They are always happy to get their gear on and go play outside.  Today they were making dino and truck tracks in the yard.  To me it's just time to put away my flip flops and start wearing way to many layers! Oh well let's find all our gear and try to get threw another winter. Here's hoping spring comes early.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

8 Months

Ansel is 8 Months old!

Playing with Toys


Happy Boy
pickles are so yummy

Ansel at 8 Months old:

Personality- You continue to be a really happy baby.  Not much crying and lot's of smiles. You are so curious about every thing. You watch all of your family to see what we are doing.
New Stuff-  You got your first tooth!! On the bottom. I've been trying to get a picture of it but your not ready to show it off yet. You learned to clap. So cute when your happy and clapping at your brothers. The gates are officially up at the house. You roll every where. No crawling yet but you don't need to when you can just roll there. Lot's of babbling this months- so many sounds :)
Sleeping/Eating- This last month has been a little challenging with the sleeping again.  You seem to want to wake up twice a night. You do well with drinking a bottle and going back to sleep.  You go to bed great though. No struggles there- it's just keeping you asleep.  I know it changes all the time and you'll start sleeping through the night again.  You love to eat. We have been trying all kinds of different foods. More real foods like- buttered bread, noodles and mandarin oranges- oh and pickles!  You love to help feed yourself. It's so messy and I think I change your clothes at least 3 times a day but it's so fun watching you learn the love of food! 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween 2014

Pumpkin carving

The guts

Finished product!

Trick or treating downtown

Abel- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
Axel- Headless Boy
Ansel- Spider

Play with weapons and you'll loose your head
I had hoped to get the boys some cute matching outfits this year but Axel had another idea. He did not want to match his brothers and said that he wanted some thing with blood this year. There goes my cute fuzzy costumes :)
Happy Halloween everyone! Hope your weekend was full of treats and not to many tricks.