Trying out his next swim gear |
Ansel is 4 months. (4.5 now- I'm a little behind) This month has flown by!
Baby blues |
New trick- feet in the mouth |
Weight: 14 pounds 2 ounces (17%)
Length: 62 cm (13%)
Personality: You are such a sweet baby. By far the easiest one so far! You are happy- even right away in the morning. You smile and giggle a lot. You like our walks and being outside.
Eating: Mostly breast milk. You nurse on the days that I am home and take bottles for dad when mom is at work. We have started to use formula once and while- bottles 1/2 formula and 1/2 breast milk. To help make sure you don't run out on days mom is gone. Why does it seem like he drinks so much more when he feeds from a bottle?
Sleep: I can't believe that I can say this but you sleep awesome! Most nights you sleep all night! You will go to sleep around 9 pm and not wake up until 7 am-ish! Now on the nights you do wake up I enjoy our alone snuggle time.
Other stuff: New trick is to put your feet in your mouth. You are always sucking on your hands also. You love to leave little drool marks on my shoulders. You almost can roll over but haven't yet. You like to hang out on your side and suck on your hands. You like to make lot's of baby noises and they are getting louder. We have been lucky enough not to have to do daycare yet. Brian and I have been working opposite shifts or he takes the day off when I work. (Nice that he has a ton of PTO) I know it won't last but it has been wonderful not to send him any where yet.
Your Mom and Dad love you Ansel. I can't image our family with out you :)