It's funny how all you have to do it read some thing once to a kid and they remember it. (I should say when they think it's worth remembering) Axel learned his first joke-here it goes!
Axel: Knock knock
Me: Who's there?
Axel: Boo
Me: Boo who?
Axel: Mom don't cry!
What a little character! He loves this joke now and will tell it over and over again giggling! I hope every one had a great Mother's Day. I had a wonderful day with my boys and Axel gave me the best gift-he
peed on the potty for the first time!!
Whoo Hoo!! For those who don't know our
madness-we are moving again back to Rochester. Same house just a
different year :) I took his potty chair back into the house and he asked to used and he actually
peed! He's pooped before on the big potty but the pee is a new thing for us. He did it a few times on Sunday and once again today. Yeah for Axel! It's good start any ways. Axel just loves our 'new' house. He thinks it's so fun exploring all the new rooms and his new neighborhood-that has a park very close. Axel's favorite games right now-hide n seek and playing with forts. He will have me count and then he hides some where and every thing in out house is turned in to a fort. He loves all the boxes that we have right now! All for now. once I get organized with the move I'll post a few new pictures. (yeah for
Internet at home!!)