Hey guys. It sure has been a busy month huh? At least the weather is getting nicer out and we can finally start going for walks again! Yeah!! Axel is doing well. he is starting to get two more teeth. (both on the top) So that will be a total of 6 teeth! He thinks he's ready to try a steak but I told him he would have to wait a little longer.
So I have to tell you a story about some amazing sleeping Axel did the other weekend. Brian and I went out with some friends last weekend (thanks Brady and Jackie) and Axel stayed with Grandma
Rapp. We ended up picking Axel and bringing him home because it wasn't to late. So we went to bed thinking morning sure is going to come e
arly. Well when I stretched out in bed the next morning
slowly waking up I then woke up in a
panic because I realized that Axel wasn't waking me up, I woke up by myself. I looked at Brian and asked him if he got up with Axel, which he said no, then I asked him what time it was. Brian informed me that it was noon!!! What? Noon?
OMG!! I ran into Axel's room expecting I don't know what...but there he was crashed out in his bed with his feet up on the side rails. I had to call Grandma to see what time he went to bed. She told me that he was sound asleep at 8pm. Wow huh?! I couldn't believe it. Oh..and then he took a 3 hour nap that day and was back in bed by 8pm again. I thought that he was going to be at least 6 foot when he woke up the next day!! Talking about needing a nap huh? I wish he'd do that every weekend.
We went to Duluth last weekend and had a great time. We hung out at the house, had no dogs to take care of and got to spend the whole weekend with uncle James. We went out for Indian food, which Axel really liked! Otherwise we took naps on the couch and enjoyed the wonderful weather! It was a good weekend. I have some new pictures that I will try and post some time soon. hope all is well with every one.