Axel is 13 months now! It's crazy thinking back 1 year ago. He is so much fun. He isn't walking yet but he walks along every thing and likes to get around with his walking toy. He is starting to get more daring and reach for the table or chair that is just out of his reach but he knows that he can go down to his knees and be faster. Soon he'll be truckin all over.
He has 4 teeth now. 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom. He is a pretty good eater. It just depends the day. He really likes cheese, pasta, oranges and gold fish crackers. He is starting to use his sippy cup more but he really likes his bottle and I don't think I'll get him to give it up for a while. Axel sleeps thru the night now, for the most part, which is awesome!
He loves to stack things and organizes things. I will come check on him when he's playing and he will put the same blocks or balls in one tupperware and another kind in another. It's wierd. Brian said he was a big stack/organizer when he was little-so maybe he's gets it from his daddy? Axel also still really likes his blanket. He carries it around the house and has to have it to go to bed. He loves to make a mess-pulling every thing out cupboards, drawers and toy bins. He isn't very good at putting things away yet! So needless to say I always have a pile of some thing to pick up. He also really understand things now. Like when you say "go get your blanket", he will go across the room and get it. Or "where's your blocks" he will go find every single block he can and bring them to you. It's cool watching him start to really soak things in. Axel also learned then word "NO" well, kinda, when we say "NO NO" (when he's getting into some thing that he shouldn't) he likes to shake his head side to side and smile. It's hard not to laugh or smile back because it's cute. But how do I teach him the meaning of NO? Now what I have been doing is really watching my head and not shake it at all, keep a straight face and I just move him to some thing he can play with. But of course he just crawls back arcoss the room the item I just moves him away from. (My plants are so going to have no soil left this year!) All for now... enjoy the sunny weekend.