Here are a couple of video's of Axel playing around. The first one is Axel playing around in his jumper. It's crazy how high he can jump in that thing! The other is Axel splashing around in the sink. He made such a watery mess all over the floor, but how do you stop him when he's having such a good time?
Axel is 8 months old now! I can't believe how much he's changed. He can sit on his own, he crawls and he has been pulling himself up on every thing. He has two teeth on the bottom. He also has been starting to like more and more food. He loves to feed himself cheerios and toast and wants to sample any thing that mom and dad are eating. I think we are going to have to eat less spicy foods so we can share more with him more often. Axel also has been 'talking' more and more. He mumbles and chat's all day. Some times he will wake up in the morning and I'll hear him just chatting away to himself already! Axel still is working on sleeping through the night. Most of the time he only wakes up once over night so night time is getting much better for all of us! I'm sure I'm forgetting some huge milestone that he has hit but that is all I can think of right now. Next month he has his next doctors appointment so we'll have an official weigh in, but I think he weighs about 18 pounds now and he is getting really long.